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What exactly is KYRIOS?
“KYRIOS” is a Greek word meaning ‘Lord’. It’s an annual 3-day conference held in Korea to gather believers of Christ Jesus and encourage them in God’s Word through our special guest speakers, workshop seminars, and Spirit-led worship.
What’s the Theme?
“If we live by the Spirit,
let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”
– Galatians 5:25 –
This year’s Kyrios theme is from Galatians 5:25 “In Step with the Spirit.”
Our service has been learning more about who the Holy Spirit is and his role in history and our personal lives through our small group study and a sermon series this summer. Our hope is that the theology and history have prepared us to better understand how we, in our daily lives, keep in step with the Spirit.
When & how much?
Date: October 20th(Fri) – October 22nd(Sun)
How Much: Full Price 30,000 won / Sat-Sun Only 25,000 won
Who will be speaking?
We will hear testimonies from three individuals from our service how they have learned to walk with the Spirit. After hearing from them we will break up into small groups to learn more from each of the members in our English Service. You will also be given a solid amount of time for private devotion to listen to the Holy Spirit.
So prepare your hearts! Bring a friend. Do not miss out on these wonderful speakers, and this opportunity to be refreshed by God’s Spirit!
This year our conference will be held at Spa Valley.
They have a beautiful nature friendly tent village and a cozy meeting hall for our sessions.
Luxurious hotel rooms are also available for additional fee:)
What should I bring?
As you prepare for the weekend, please remember to bring your happy heart…
your Bible, pen/pencil, AND an extra blanket if you are from the southern hemisphere:)
See our official Dongshin English Service facebook page for the latest information updates on the upcoming Kyrios 2017.
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