The twin disasters in Japan has created a humanitarian need and we can support the Japanese people affected firstly through prayer and also financial assistance. We pray for the survivors of the cities that they will be able to recover and deal with the tragic situation.
**Update** Dongshin Church has setup a bank account to transfer aid to Japan so please use
Nong-Heup (농협) 301-0063-8403-61
Also, you can visit our Korean church website
If you are interested in offering aid, you can go to this facebook page
If you aren’t part of Facebook, you can donate at
CREDIT CARD (Worldwide)
>>>enter the amount in JPY but it takes from CREDIT CARD (deducts from your own currency).
Just use your bank card, click “account transfer” and enter any of these accounts through the ATM:
Woori Bank 1005-899-020202
Kookmin Bank9-010-001-0001
Shinhan 140-009-177631
Nonghyup 301-0077-4329-11
Hana Bank 101-100410-04604