On the 7th, we had our communion service which is always a great time to reflect on what the Lord has done for us. Pastor Andy Gilman spoke about the effect of grace:
The effect of grace on the life of Paul (Acts 21:1-36)
1 Cor 5:10 Grace has effects on the life of the believer
Effect 1 The courage to live and die for Christ (Acts 21:10-15)
a) Nothing to lose and everything to gain (also Galatians 1:13)
Effect 2 The humility to submit to authority for the sake of loving others (Acts 21:20-25)
b) Nothing to prove but everything to give
Effect 3 The faith to rest on Jesus and nothing else
c) Nothing to hope in but everything that Jesus did
Grace gives you faith when you don’t have enough faith on your own
Next Sunday 14th, we have a guest speaker ‘Dash Watt’ who will be sharing the message.
Also, we have our Prayer and Worship night on Saturday (13th) from 7-8:30 in Rm503.
On the 21st, plan to stick around after church (4pm) for a movie night and we will be screening
“The Encounter” so check out the events page for the synopsis and trailer. Invite your friends and colleagues. Snacks and drinks will be provided.
Finally, if you are involved in the organization of the Kurios Conference in October, we are having a meeting on the Sat 20th Aug at 1pm in church.