1 Cor. 11:2-16

I. Faith Seeking Understanding (2,3)

A. Keeping the faith (2)
B. Understanding (3)
1. Authority or head
2. What does authority look like?
Eph. 5:22-27
Leading by sacrificial love

II. Engendered Worship (4-15)

A. Action and Communication
1. Men
2. Women

II. Engendered Worship (4-15)
A. Action and Communication
1. Men
2. Women
3. We must point to Jesus not ourselves.

B. Glory in God given gender (7-15)
1. Creation Order (7-9)
2. The angels (10)
3. Interdependent (11,12)
4. Nature (13-15)

III. The Counsel of Community (16)
We are not individuals but members of the Body of Christ.
God has ordained who we are.
We seek to glorify Him in every aspect of our lives.
Our gathered time should lift Jesus up not us.