Love in Action 017


Love in Action is the social justice ministry of Dongshin English Service. Our desire is for God’s people to be a community where we treat one another justly and work toward the same in Daegu and South Korea. The ministry has shifted from a leader-driven ministry, to a ministry challenge for the whole church as we believe justice is not one issue among others, but a call for us as a community (1 Cor 6) by God himself (Mic 6.8).

We regularly collect funds to send to our partnering ministries through events such as Delivery. We are always looking for new ministries to support as we can, whether through our funds or our time. If you are passionate about a particular issue, please approach one of our church leaders and we can get you plugged in.


Women’s Hope Center in Pohang


Singmanage Orphanage


Sunday 12 noon Services

Join us for a multi-cultural and vibrant Christian experience in English! See the Direction page for the step-by-step “how-to” on reaching us Sundays at 12 noon.