Do you know anyone struggling with Hanguel and needs a helping hand. Send them along to:

Survival Korean Class

INSTRUCTOR: Daniel, Kim who is also in charge of Kids English Ministry

TARGET: Survival Korean Class is for all foreigners from all over the world


– Beginner’s Korean 1 (Language Plus) for Beginners – Beginner’s Korean 2 (Language Plus) for Intermediate Students


1) Mastering basic vowels and consonants

2) Reading and practicing Korean words

3) Learning survival expressions

WHERE?: New Comer’s Edu. Room (on the first floor of Dong-Shin Church Main Sanctuary)

TIME?: 11:30-12:30 for Beginners, 12:30-1:30 for Intermediate Students

PERIOD?: S. K. C. of the third term is from January 23rd, to March 27th, 2010


TEXTBOOK: A textbook with tape is 15,000 won.

Contact No: DANIEL KIM 010-5467-1198 ([email protected])

Anyone is welcome